
are there any reduced fares معنى

  • هل توجد أية أسعار تذاكر مخفضة
  • are    هل
  • there    adv. هناك, هنالك, ...
  • any    adj. بعض, لا أحد, ...
  • reduced    adj. مصغر, مخفض, م ...
  • fares    الأجور

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. are there any discounts for students معنى
  2. are there any discounts for the disabled معنى
  3. are there any fast food restaurants around here معنى
  4. are there any good programs on tv tonight معنى
  5. are there any good restaurants around here معنى
  6. are there any regional restaurants around here معنى
  7. are there any seats left for tonight معنى
  8. are there any seats on the flight معنى
  9. are there any side effects associated with this medicine معنى
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